spiffyplots package

spiffyplots.colors module

spiffyplots.multipanel module

The Spiffy MultiPanel class and its methods.

class spiffyplots.multipanel.MultiPanel(shape: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = (2, 2), grid: Union[Iterable[Tuple], Iterable[int]] = None, labels: Union[bool, Iterable[str], Dict[str, tuple], numpy.array] = False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

The central object of the multipanel module. Initiates a figure with multiple panels.

The MultiPanel object is basically a wrapper of matplotlib’s GridSpec, but tries to simplify some aspects of multi-panel figure generation, such as Figure labels and the layout of panels. Depending on the input, the layout is initialized in one of three ways:

OPTION 1: Initialization based on the labels parameter

The labels parameter can be passed in as a dictionary, mapping custom figure labels (e.g. ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’) to locations in the grid that are defined by Tuples (e.g. {‘A’: (0, range(2,5)} will make a plot in the first row spanning columns 2-4 and give it the label A.

Similarly, labels can be passed as a 2-dimensional np.array of strings. In this case, the strings in the cells of the array correspond to the label of the panels. Adjacent identical labels are considered one panel. For example, the array:

['A', 'A', 'D']
['B', 'C', 'D']
['E', 'E', 'E']

will create 5 panels, each occupying the space that the respective label takes up in the array.

This option is useful when you want to control both the arrangement of panels, and the order and format of their labels. If label is passed in as a dictionary or np.array, the grid and shape parameters are ignored.

OPTION 2: Initialization based on the grid parameter:

If option 1 does not apply, the class will try to be initialized through the grid parameter.


Generate a two-row figure with 3 columns (panels) in the first row and 2 columns (panels) in the second row:

>>> fig = MultiPanel(grid=[3, 2])

Generate a 2x3 figure with 5 panels, where one panel spans both rows in the last column:

>>> fig = MultiPanel(grid=[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (range(0, 2), 2)])

OPTION 3: initialization based on the shape parameter:

if neither labels or grid are supplied, the class will generate one panel in each cell of the grid matrix, as defined by the shape parameter.


Generate a 3x3 grid with 9 plots of equal size:

>>> fig = MultiPanel(shape=(3, 3))
  • shape (Tuple) – Determines the shape of the MultiPanel grid layout.
  • grid (Iterable[Tuple], Iterable[int]) –

    Determines the layout of subplots across the MultiPanel matrix. Defaults to one plot in each cell of the shape matrix. Can be one of:

    • Iterable of grid location tuples of form [rows, columns], in which rows and columns are either int (for a single cell) or Iterable (for spanning multiple cells).
    • Iterable of ints with length shape[0], which defines the number of plots in each row. Each plot then has the size 1 x shape[0]/int. Attention: shape[0] must be divisable by every element in grid.
  • labels (bool, Iterable[str], dict, np.array) –

    Assigns labels to subplots. Defaults to False. Can be one of:

    • Boolean. If True, labels are assigned to plots first across rows, then across columns.
    • Iterable of strings assigning labels to subplots, in the same order as defined by grid.
    • A Dictionary mapping [str] keys to [Tuple] locations in the grid. This setting overrides the grid.
    • A np.array of the same shape as shape, mapping string names to the locations in the grid. Figures can span multiple cells in the grid. Also overrides the grid.
Keyword Arguments:
  • figsize (Tuple) – Size of the figure. Will be passed into matplotlib.pyplot.figure.
  • label_case (str) – ‘uppercase’ or ‘lowercase’. This and following kwargs are passed to MultiPanel._draw_labels.
  • label_weight (str) – Weight of the figure labels. defaults to ‘bold’
  • label_size (int) – Font Size for figure labels. defaults to 14.
  • label_location (Tuple) – Tuple. Location of the figure labels relative to axis origin. Defaults to (-0.25, 1.05)
  • left (float) – left margin. This and following kwargs are passed to matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec
  • right (float) – right margin
  • bottom (float) – bottom margin
  • top (float) – top margin
  • wspace (float) – horizontal spacing
  • hspace (float) – vertical spacing
  • width_ratios (Iterable) – width ratios of columns
  • height_ratios (Iterable) – height ratios of rows

Closes the matplotlib figure object

save(path: str, format: Union[str, tuple, list] = 'pdf', **kwargs)[source]

Saves the figure as one or multiple file types

  • path

    file path .. rubric:: Example

    save(path=’figures/figure1, format=’pdf) will save the object as figures/figure1.pdf

  • format – the file format(s) to save as. Defaults to ‘pdf’